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Natural Spa Factory launches online training course

British spa brand Natural Spa Factory has launched 24-Hour Online Training, a series of training videos offering in-depth product knowledge.

Designed to support the company's partner spas, as well as eliminate the need for costly training courses, the videos offer a comprehensive overview of the brand's 10 product collection followed by a quiz, and are hosted by by Lucie Hartley and Johanna Ormsby from Natural Spa Factory.

Jeremy Smith, co-founder and operator of Natural Spa Factory, says: "We understand the value that great product knowledge can bring to the spa, and that product knowledge will help bring brand confidence and, as a result, retail and spa revenue. This also ensures that therapists are empowered to deliver the absolute best spa experiences they can."

"Our online training puts the power back in to the spa operator's hands. Therapist learning can happen in a completely flexible manner - during white space, or even as personal learning. Our aim is to empower therapists with knowledge and confidence," Smith added.

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